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    British Broadcaster: Classic FM founder dies

    Michael Bukht studied history at King's College London and began a long and varied career in television and radio in 1963 as a BBC trainee where he worked on Mrs Dale's Diary and The World At One.

    He left the BBC to work in South Africa and Jamaica but moved to Canterbury in 1985 where he became Managing Director of Invicta radio, a forerunner to Heart. He stayed in Kent for the rest of his life. Staff from the time say he had no tolerance for 'inane patter!'

    Later, Michael joined the GWR group and in 1992 was one of the co-founders of Classic FM, he was awarded an OBE in 1996. Classic FM, one of the United Kingdom's three Independent National Radio stations, broadcasts classical music in a popular and accessible style.

    History of Classic FM on Wikipedia


    Classic Fm Smooth Classics- The Ultimate CollectionThe Classic FM Hall of Fame: The Greatest Classical Music of All TimeClassic FM

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