Jonathan Biss (born September 18, 1980) is an American pianist, teacher, and writer based in New York City.
This CD is the fourth volume of a nine-disc survey of the complete Beethoven Piano Sonatas.
Biss has undertaken a nine-year, nine-disc recording project of the entire Beethoven sonata cycle. The fourth volume of sonatas, including Op. 2, no. 1, the first Beethoven sonata; Op. 10, no. 2; Op. 49, no. 1, and Op. 57, the “Appassionata,” will be released on January 27, 2015. This recording brings Biss together with DFTBA (founded by John Green, author of The Fault In Our Stars, and his brother and video blog collaborator Hank Green) and Meyer Media (founded by producer Andreas Meyer). The new partnership provides a flexible platform to integrate Biss’s varied recording, writing and teaching activities.